Align  •  Visualize  •  Create  •  Inspire

Creative Visualization Group

Visualize the Reality You Want to Be Living

Join an inspiring community of creative visualizers,

create your vision, be inspired by others, and

create opportunities to live the life you truly want to live.

Space is now available for a limited time.


You desire

∞ Positive Change in your life

∞ Connection with other supportive, kind and inspiring people

∞ Inspiration to maintain your vision

∞ Elation in knowing and feeling what you truly want in life

And lastly…

A consistent creative visualization meditation practice to keep you in touch with your true desire for a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Space is now available for a limited time.

Mindset Coaching, Mindset Coach, Mastermind Groups, Creative Visualization, Creative Coaching, Creativity Coaching, Coaching For Creatives, Psychedelic Integration, Mastermind Groups Near Me, Mastermind Group Near Me

Who I am

Hi, I’m Kellyjoy Kanaley!

For most of my life, certain things have remained constant:

Creativity, Meditation, and Creative Visualization.

A little about me:

I have over 20 years of training and experience as a licensed psychotherapist in Portland, Oregon. Music has been a core part of my life for the past 45 years, and I’ve dedicated the last 30 years to studying and practicing meditation and creative visualization.

Throughout my life, I’ve been an avid explorer of the nature of consciousness. In high school, I discovered Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain, a book that profoundly changed my life. In my early 20s, while attending massage school, I experienced my first silent meditation retreat. That began a journey that led me to participate in over 20 two-week silent retreats and even in a 3-month silent retreat at a Tibetan monastery. I have also explored deep psychedelic healing work, which further deepened my understanding of consciousness.

Music • Meditation • Creative Visualization

These have been the foundation of my life, sustaining me through times of unwavering heartbreak and grateful elation. As I began winding down my private practice, I found myself constantly drawn to the idea of offering creative visualization groups—something I couldn’t stop dreaming about, and now I'm excited to share this group with you.


Group Details:

  • Duration: One hour per week

  • Commitment: 4-week program

  • Group Size: Maximum of 5 participants to ensure ample time for each person to share their vision

  • Investment: $200 for the full 4-week program

Space is now available for a limited time.

Spend One Hour A Week Meditating and Visualizing Your Desired Reality!

  • Meditation and Grounding:
    At the start of each group session, I will lead a meditation to help everyone center and ground themselves.

  • Sharing Your Vision:
    When it’s your turn, you will share your desired vision with the group.
    I will guide the group through a meditation where everyone collectively visualizes your desired reality, holding it with focus and intention.
    This often results in shared feelings of elation and joy as we hold space for each other’s visions.

  • Collective Visualization:
    You will experience not only your own creative visualization but also the visualizations of others.
    A powerful group dynamic will emerge, leading to intuitive ideas and new opportunities throughout the week.

  • Shifts and Alignment:
    As you explore and visualize the life you truly want, new paths and opportunities will open up, bringing your reality into greater alignment with your desires.
    Over time, you’ll notice changes in your life that reflect the vision you are working toward.

  • Connection and Sharing:
    As your vision strengthens, you will build deeper connections with your group.
    You will have the chance to share the positive changes you’re experiencing, inspiring each other along the way.

  • Results:
    From my experience, this group process leads to increased joy and excitement while reducing apathy, isolation and sadness.
    With consistent practice, you will become more focused on what you truly want in life, and connecting with others around these desires. So often, we connect with each other through our grievances and frustrations in life, this is an opportunity to practice and experience a group centered around positivity and shared optimism

Creative Mindset Coaching & Support

One on One Individual Support

To Help You Break Through Creative Blocks

Finish Your Project and Get Paid!

Are you stuck on a creative project and need help staying on task and developing tools to help your mindset?

We will work together to keep you engaged and in the mindset you need to break through apathetic patterns and focus on what you love most: Your Creativity.

Currently, August 2024, I am full and am not accepting new coaching clients at this time. Please click on the link below to be placed on my wait list. Typically, the wait time is around 3 - 4 weeks.

Click Here To Apply


Support In Breaking Apathetic Streaming

2 Week Intensive

How many hours of streaming videos or social media do you wish you could have back to concentrate on your creativity instead?

In what ways do you distract yourself from what truly matters to you?

I have a specific intensive program for a Full Digital Detox.

*Can be combined with creative visualization meditation group

To find out more about this program, click here:




  • "I'm grateful for the creativity group Kellyjoy led—she was an expert facilitator, giving us just the right mix of inspiration, brainstorming, and practicality. I loved the way we supported each other in the group. At the end of the 8 weeks, I felt inspired and so much more confident in submitting my story to Tricycle!"


  • "Working with Kellyjoy has given me increased clarity and deepened strength in my commitment to my music"


  • "Kellyjoy was able to hold my complicated past with performing with what felt like faith in my creative process; she never fails to say something that affirms and encourages/ puts positive spin on my efforts, which is very motivating for me."


  • "Kellyjoy is warm, perceptive, intuitive, strong, down to earth, and super funky and relatable. She has brought me immense peace in my life and has etched herself into my soul for lifetimes, I know it. She is a true healer in this world and I couldn't recommend her more. I feel so lucky to have found her."


  • "For the last 3 years Kellyjoy's guidance has allowed me to come into the true nature of my being. She has helped me feel more confident and empowered than I have ever felt in my life."


  • "Working with Kellyjoy has been life changing. She's able to see and suggest news directions, can look at changing course in fluid creative ways, can rally around new ideas and consider fresh possibilities. Can't wait to be in her group!"




I am in this field of work because as a lifelong seeker of the nature of creativity, at my core, I am interested in helping others on this planet create with their deepest purpose and connection with source energy. Whether you need support creating your music project, or finishing your book, or creating a new business enterprise, the power of connecting your gifts and ideas with spiritual practices and skillful disciplines can transcend your ability to flow past your mental blocks and into the vast and ever flowing energy that comes from the source of all creativity.

Creative Coaching Services, Streaming Detox, Creative Professional Coaching, Group Visionary Coaching, Streaming Detox Program, Visionary Group Coaching, Psychedelic Integration Consulting

In order to dive deeply into your life’s purpose and creative mind, you need to address and break through patterns of apathetic behavior that diminishes your spirit and blocks your creative flow. Sometimes you need help with breaking through these patterns that aren’t serving you. I am a skilled professional here to help you understand your process and to guide you beyond this time of self-doubt, fear and insecurity, as well as the habitual patterns that go along with those feelings.

Please reach out if this is the kind of guidance and collaboration you are seeking, I’d love to hear from you.

When you are in alignment with your purpose and creative gift, your mind will become open
and free to explore the ideas that are waiting to be received.