Are you ready to vacation from streaming and rest in your own creative mind?

Streaming Detox 2-Week Intensive

Support In Breaking Apathetic Streaming & Reviving Your Creative Mind

If You Are…

  • Tired of feeling exhausted in the morning because you were up all night streaming videos

  • Feeling like streaming videos is out of your control (you try to put it down, but can’t for longer than a day)

  • You are struggling with feeling down about not practicing your creativity

  • You are watching material that is equivalent to consuming pounds of flaming hot cheetos but for your brain

  • You feel awful after you realize you have just spent 30 hours this week watching a series you can’t let go of

  • You can’t face the amount of hours you spend on Youtube, TikTok, Netflix, pretty much all streaming services

  • You are frustrated with your lack of interest in your own creative work

  • You know you are using streaming videos as a form of escapism

  • You know your life can be more enriching and that you can envision yourself spending your time differently

With Your Commitment and My Support

You Can Achieve 2 Weeks Stream Free!

After two weeks you will get to experience your mind and body being free of other’s messaging and influence

You will feel what it is like to break the pattern that you have been in for far too long

You will re-engage with streaming videos in a more mindful, controlled way and get to see where your hooks are

This program can be a precursor or complimentary to my creative visualization meditation group

What you get

High Level Of Support In Achieving Your Goal Of Consuming Zero Streaming For Two Weeks

• 60 Minute Meeting - we will meet via zoom the day before your detox starts

• 60 Minute Meeting - on the last day of your detox

• Email support (4 emails will be responded to within 24 hours)

• Emergency 1/2 hour phone check in (if needed)

• Mindset and Meditation Training

• Recorded guided meditation to help you stay committed to your goal

