Create Your Vision

Empower Your Creative Visualization

This is an exciting fun group where you get to explore what you really want in life, and meditate/feel that desire along with others who are creating the vision with you through meditation.  Is it a healthy, loving relationship, a new home, more friends, travel?  Instead of processing why you don't have what you want in life, this group is aimed at creating a structured space to feel into what it is like to have what you truly desire in life and the positive feelings that vision elicits.  As a group, we will visualize your desire with you and co-create a creative space of experiencing the positive feelings and energy that creative visualization can bring, especially in a group setting.  Each person will take a turn and what I have experienced from these magical groups is that it creates elation and opens your mind to recognizing possibilities rather than limitations.


This is a very structured, 1 hour group (think of it as Jazzercize for your Creative Mind)

Group is limited to 5 participants.

Please be dedicated to showing up to all four sessions.


People who participate in these groups have seen positive changes in their lives and have a great time during group.

​This group offering is online only.

Come and experience the energy that is created when more than 2 people come together in meditation and visualization. 

Break free from the chains of isolation and step into a world of inspiration, connection, and collaboration.

Mastermind Groups, Mastermind Group Near Me, Mastermind Coach, Mastermind Groups Online, Mastermind Groups For Entrepreneurs, Creative Mastermind Group, Mastermind Groups To Join, Mastermind Group For Creativity, Accountability Group

Who am I?

A woman with a passion for creating through writing and music.

But I am Even More Passionate about doing my part to help evolve the planet by supporting Creative Visionaries get unstuck, become empowered in their gifts of creativity and complete their projects to give room for more expansive creations. I have been a very creative human my entire life (well, since 4 years old) in writing, music, theater, and dance, and I have a continual veracious appetite for exploring the nature of consciousness and how that intersects with psychology and the human experience. For more information about me, please visit my home page, and for more about my last 3 decades on a committed spiritual path, please visit here.