Group Creative Visualization Experience

Mindset Coaching, Mastermind Group, Creative Visualization Group

Kellyjoy Kanaley has spent over 18 years studying and practicing psychotherapy and over 25 years practicing meditation and engaging with plant medicine. To inquire about a consultation please click below.

When we open ourselves up the power of vocalizing out loud what we are truly want for ourselves, allowing others to hold that vision with us, a powerful experience emerges that is palpable and captivating. I know, because my life has changed in profound ways when I have opened myself up to shared visualizations with others.

The number one lesson I have learned in this practice:

You don’t have to hold it all on your own.

The power of the group experience is that you get to actually feel a deep sense of connectivity that is exciting and much more potent than if you were visualizing on your own. We are prone to be very individualistic in our culture. We often feel we have to work hard, alone, with our own ideas and thoughts in order to achieve our goals. But what you end up experiencing is a sense of isolation and perhaps frustration because what you are focusing on is not in alignment with what you truly want. When more than one person comes together to hold your vision, in pure positive intention, the energy accumulates and you are able to fine tune what reality you are truly wanting in your life. Everyone in the group will start to feel the relief, joy, excitement and love of your vision for your life. That energy carries within you throughout the weeks between meetings. And the more you meet with like-minded individuals who are dedicated to the path of awakening their visions into a lived reality, truly envisioning the reality they too want to be living in, the positivity and accumulation of good will spread to every aspect of your life. You will start to notice intuitive desires pop up that are different than your usual habitual patterns that keep you in the current state of being.

It is worth exploring what it is like to not only share your vision with others, but in an intentional, skillfully orchestrated space and see what changes occur in your life.

Think of it this way, no one runs a marathon by themselves. Or at least no one I have ever known nor heard of. We all need each other’s energy and support to guide us into the reality we truly wish to be living: a loved, happy, purposeful and fulfilling life, whatever that means for you!


Strengthening Creative Source