Strengthening Creative Source

The energy that exists between creativity and source energy is vast and strong.

When we have strayed off course, we can find our way back to source energy. It is about noticing again and again, what feels good and in alignment, and what doesn’t feel aligned and nourishing to our creative source connection.

And when we reconnect with Source Energy,

we feel it in our body and in our mind the flow of energy from which we create.

That energetic flow is involved in everything we create.

Babies, gardens, our living space, our systems in life that create more flow and functionality, art, music...


and our Habitual patterns that aren’t serving this line of energy

Those habitual patterns acts as a derailment and creates spirals of connected experiences and memories of its own.

Like a molecule chain, it derails from source to explore what it is like to deviate and create it’s own reality.

And as that occurs, if it takes hold,

the world of that path will start and continue to reflect evidence to support that chain of existence where we experience creative blocks and tension, insecurities and stress.

Everything, and I mean

Everything living is here to grow and learn and expand.

creativity cannot be cemented over by insecurities and self doubt forever,

the nature of creativity will always find a way to breakthrough, reminding you what is underneath it all.

Creativity will always win in it’s eternal expansion of creating and recreating life.

When it comes to our creative craft, our true gift and calling in this life…

No matter how far away we get from that calling,

no matter how many years we forget or isolate in our own padded safe locked up chamber,

all it takes is

one event

a birth

a death

an award show where we are touched by the speech or went to film school with the recipient of the award

whatever the trigger is, we have our break through of growth and our gift is presenting itself to us again, asking us to remember it and if even for a moment, we can hear it.

We may mourn the time we had away from it, and try to find our way back to live within it.

Or we may try to pour more concrete over it by taking a few shots of tequila, or getting invested in another 10 season series about murder investigations.

The point is,

we are here to create,

to grow,

to expand,

and to share our unique gifts with this world.

And far too many of us have laid dormant, and look at what is happening?!!

Look at the news, look at everyone clinging to their phones and almost running into you in the street, choosing their airpods over your hello, choosing their social media over looking up and around at the coffee shop to meet someone new.

We are all subject to being influenced and directed by a power that is based in ignorance, greed and control.

instead of being influenced by an incredible avalanche of Creative Minds connected deeply with purpose and Source Energy.

Is it no wonder why we are facing down a 7th global extinction event?

When creativity gets cemented over and with self-doubt, self-criticism, and comparison mind,

the world has lost a unique, powerful voice to help others flourish in new and interesting ways.

So right now, in this moment, we need your creative voice,

We need others to wake up to themselves, to their own sense of deep connection with creative source energy.

Think of what life would have evolved to without great works of art, literature, dance, theater, film… How would we have evolved without creative brilliant individuals gifting their direct unique channel of that which we are all connected to?

Look at what is happening to the creative souls on this planet. I don’t want to sound alarmist here, but maybe more people need to sound alarming, maybe more of us need to sound the alarm for humanity and creativity. Maybe we need to see that the molecule chain we are living from is the not the massively powerful and gifted chain of energy we are capable of creating and growing from.

So what do we do about it? How do you break down the chain you are on and go back to the center, go back to the Creative Source. Well, detecting that you are on a rogue chain is the first step, and the second step is identifying your own special blend of concrete. Identifying your escapist apathetic habitual patterns that cement over your ability to creative freely can be tricky, but I’m guessing you know what that cement blend consists of. It is however you spend your time that is Not in alignment with your values, with your dreams, with your ideals. It is how you talk to yourself, what you think of yourself, how you feel about yourself, it is what your living space looks like, how full your closets are with things you’ll never use. How nourishing and inspiring is your living space? We have immediate power to change the inside of our living space. Just like we have immediate ability to step our molecule chain back, step by step to take away the ingredients that make up our concrete mix, until there is no more concrete to pour, there is only brilliant alive moving flowing energizing Source Energy to draw from. All the time. Co-creating the world with others who are vibing from their own source energy flow.

Step by step, it builds faster than you think, the momentum gets hold of the direction you are now going and then, you can be in a reality you want to be living in, mostly. Then maybe eventually the mostly evolves into totally. And then you die, and then probably want to do it all over again, because finding your way back to this amazing creative source energy while you were embodied was so much damn fun. Who knows? I’m not here to tell you I know what happens after your die cause I have no idea, and I don’t trust anyone who says they know what happens after you die, but what I do know and what I’m here to tell you is that in this moment you can choose to take the steps to walk back that molecule chain of insecurities and self-doubt and dissolve those apathetic behaviors and forms of escapism to be in complete alignment with loving, expansive Source Energy from which amazing creativity is born.

Everyone is different, the same idea can be produced massively different by you than it would by me or anyone else. So find the ingredients that make up your concrete blend, remember your values and who you are and what you are here to do creatively during this time, this finite hell of a ride time you get to create.

Accountability Group, Psychedelic Support, Mindset Coach Near Me, Psychedelic Integration Coach, Mastermind Coach, Creative Career Coaching, Business Coach For Creatives, Business Coaching For Creatives, Accountability Group Online, Mastermind Groups

Wisdom Within Wellness

Kellyjoy Kanaley has spent over 18 years studying and practicing psychotherapy and over 25 years practicing meditation and engaging with plant medicine. To inquire about a consultation please click below.


Group Creative Visualization Experience


Perfection, Striving and Self-Criticism walked into a bar…